Electric Cars

Grouse Beater

Electric cars on a conveyer line in GermanyPhoto: Martin Divíšek

Whenever an article appears on electric cars as the future of private transportation, Jeremiahs and Jonas pop up to tell us of all the downside, as if an alternative is there for the taking and implementation in a week before the planet finally gives up on humankind. (Hydrogen power is under development but safety is still the big bugbear.) There are the few people well informed who know what negatives there actually are to battery collection of materials and their storage after use, experts who correctly point out the drawbacks, the bad side that must be fixed expeditiously.

Electric cars were around in the 1890’s – the earliest created by who else but a Scot – and even when Henry Ford was selling his Model T like hot cakes and his wife insisted on using an electric car of…

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