10 Ways To De-Stress That Cost Nothing

Rachel Dover

It’s fair to say we live pretty fast paced lives today. Even when we’re ‘switched off’ from work or chores, we take this as the perfect opportunity to take in more information via social media, because wHy noT?

Some days I stress over things where the stress is warranted. Other days (thirty minutes ago to be precise) I feel stressed because I can’t find my moisturiser. While some causes for stress are valid and others not so much, the release of stress will affect our body in the same way.

Contrary to what your IG feed tells you, you don’t need to go to a secluded beach in the Whitsundays to unwind and de-stress. Here are ten easy ways you can de-stress for free.


Deep breathing is the most powerful tool we have to instantly reduce our stress levels. And it’s all thanks to the effect it has…

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