The Covid Vaccine #2

The Kara C Chronicles

It had been the 28 days since I received my first Moderna Covid-19 mRNA vaccine and it was now time for the second dose, the booster shot. On January 29th (2021) at 3:16 pm (PST) I received the second in the 0.5 mL dose series in my right deltoid (the top of the arm below the shoulder).

I chose this side again, as I am a left side sleeper, and found it so helpful the first round (thank you Kelsey for the recommendation!). Some people don’t get the arm pain like I did, so it might be different for you. You can read about my experience with the first dose here. I had been hearing how the second dose was worse symptom-wise than the first, and wasn’t sure how my body would react. In anticipation of possibly feeling unwell, my hubby graciously bought me a bunch of healthy snacks…

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